Jon Roberts

International Economic Development Council (IEDC) – Board Retreat Facilitation (Virtual)

Challenge With more than 5,000 members, the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is the largest membership organization of its kind. IEDC represents economic development professionals across a range of communities, organizational settings, and practice areas as they work to promote economic well-being and quality of life. Faced with the impending […]

Texas Higher Education Foundation – Tech Transfer and Commercialization Plan

Challenge In addition to producing the talent the economy relies on, innovation born out of Texas higher education institutions plays an essential role in the state’s global economic competitiveness. State leaders have made significant investments in this area, nearly tripling the number of top tier research universities in the past

City of Arlington, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan (Update)

Challenge Arlington’s growth over the past three decades has been remarkable. With a population of 400,000, the city has affirmed its position as the pivot point in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area. Home to the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA, which was designated a Texas Tier One research institution

Pinellas County, FL – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Located in the Tampa Bay region, Pinellas County, Florida, is home to beautiful beaches, vibrant communities, excellent colleges and universities, and diverse and forward-looking companies, assets that have served it well through tumultuous times. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the county has been effective in working with

City of Richmond, VA – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Challenge The City of Richmond lacked a prepared workforce and the capacity to build and sustain innovative industries. To better understand their challenges and the opportunities surrounding these issues, the City of Richmond engaged TIP Strategies (TIP) and Hill-Christian Consulting Group (HCCG) to prepare a comprehensive economic development strategy, or

Northwest Florida – Regional Strategy for Economic Transformation

Challenge Northwest Florida’s traditional reliance on tourism and on the presence of US military installations and personnel to drive growth has obscured the essential role overall business vitality plays in successful economies. The region’s vulnerability to external shocks and the need to develop a more diversified economy were illuminated first

McCormick County, SC – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge McCormick County, South Carolina, is rich in both natural resources and history. Immense tracks of forested public land, over 1,000 miles of lake front property, and numerous historical sites provide the county significant economic opportunities. These resources, coupled with its proximity to a rapidly growing Augusta metropolitan area, positioned

Kenosha Area Business Alliance (WI) – Kenosha First: Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge After stagnating in the 1970s and 1980s, Kenosha County experienced strong population growth through the 1990s and 2000s. Strategically positioned along Interstate 94 within the Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor, the county was also successful in growing its base of employers. However, the region’s dependence on traditional manufacturing sectors proved to be

Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, MO – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The first decade of the 2000s saw Jefferson City falling behind regional and national competitors. From a traditional economic development standpoint, Jefferson City’s challenges were well-known: distance from the interstate and major metropolitan areas; lack of large, fully serviced business sites; a limited industrial base; and slow population and

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