
Data analytics & visualizations

Measuring Job Quality and Access

Connecting workers to job opportunities and long-term career paths is a critical component of sustainable economic growth that is often hampered by a lack of information sharing and coordination among organizations. TIP’s proprietary Job Quality and Access tool, developed in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, provides multi-dimensional data that helps identify higher quality and more accessible jobs across geographies.

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Capital Area Rural System van

Microtransit for Rural America

Rural America faces disparities in access to essential services and opportunities compared to urban areas. While the percentage of households without vehicles is similar across rural and urban regions, the income gap is substantial, highlighting the need for affordable and equitable mobility solutions. Could microtransit offer a promising solution to address this challenge?

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Phoenix, Arizona skyline with mountains behind it.

2024 IEDC Leadership Summit: Takeaways & Trends

Last month, John Karras attended the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 2024 Leadership Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to speaking on a panel about high-performing regions and attending a plenary session on clean energy featuring TIP managing partner Jon Roberts, he took away observations about the importance of cross-jurisdictional collaboration which he shares in his latest post.

2024 IEDC Leadership Summit: Takeaways & Trends Read More

Anchorage Alaska in summer

Field Notes: Creating a Collaborative Framework for Implementation

Recognizing the resources required to holistically implement its new strategic plan, the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) has taken collaboration and coordination to heart. In addition to integrating the plan’s four pillars and related visualizations into their website, AEDC has created cross-sector working groups to move each pillar forward.

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Developing an Economic Sustainability Plan

Communities rarely embark on sustainability planning efforts under the auspices of economic development initiatives, which is a missed opportunity to impact a community’s industries, environment, and economic resilience. In a recent ED Now article, Jenn Todd-Goynes outlines critical questions to guide the process for an economic sustainability plan. The article is reposted here courtesy of the International Economic Development Council.

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Larimer County Acquires 1,000 Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Using TIP’s Occupational Risk Tool

As the global pandemic continues to affect communities around the world, recent access to the COVID-19 vaccine has provided a much-needed glimmer of hope for a return to normalcy. While the vaccine rollout overall has had its ups and downs, some communities have had great success administering doses to residents. One such community is Larimer County, Colorado.

Larimer County Acquires 1,000 Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Using TIP's Occupational Risk Tool Read More

Social Distancing store sign

Geography of Risk: COVID-19

As the COVID-19 crisis and its economic effects continue to unfold, it has become clear that communities need to understand the job-related exposure and financial instability their residents risk to more effectively direct resources and support. To help shed light on these issues, TIP created the Occupational Risk Tool, based on the characteristics of occupations across the US. The health risk and risk to earnings scores, assigned by TIP, form the basis for the Occupational Risk Tool. Learn more about TIP’s unique new tool, experience an interactive demo, and read about the lessons we’ve learned on our blog.

Geography of Risk: COVID-19 Read More

Geography of Recovery Map Shows Some Metros Still Struggling

TIP Strategies continues to track patterns of regional employment disparity in the US economy with our Geography of Recovery interactive map. As of November 2018, seasonally adjusted nonfarm employment in the US approached 150 million for the first time, a gain of more than 11 million jobs from the start of the Great Recession. The strong gains mask some bad news, however.

Geography of Recovery Map Shows Some Metros Still Struggling Read More

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