
Geography of Jobs

The US employment landscape has changed dramatically in the past two decades. Recessions, natural disasters, industry crises, and migration patterns have left an aftermath of uneven growth. The red and blue bubbles in this map represent a rolling 12-month net change in total employment across US metropolitan areas.
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A map of the us with recovery illustrated with red and green bubbles sized to indicate the health of the economy.

Geography of Recovery

Some metropolitan areas bounced back quickly from the COVID-19 employment shock in April 2020. Others continue to struggle. This map uses seasonally adjusted data indexed to March 2019 to show cumulative employment gains or losses across US metropolitan areas relative to pre-COVID-19 levels.
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STEM Wages

Mapping STEM Pay Growth

STEM wages are rising with inflation in tech hubs like Seattle and Austin, and in mid-sized cities, especially in the South, while STEM wages in some Southwest cities have not kept pace with inflation. Non-STEM wages are more stable with the highest increases in the more expensive cities.

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Transit access map for Baltimore city

Scoring Transit Access

This map is a component of a larger tool for comparing transit access to demand. It was developed through TIP’s work with the Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) in 2024.

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Measuring Climate Risk Map

Measuring Climate Risk

Data from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can be used to assess potential financial losses, social vulnerability, and community resilience at the state level (and locally, too).

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VC Investors

Monitoring VC Investment

How many venture capital (VC) investors are active in the Texas market? Where are they from? How much have they invested? We used Crunchbase data to find out.

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An access plot that plots the desirability of jobs against the barriers to entry

Assessing Job Equity

This tool for measuring job quality and accessibility emerged as part of a larger industry analysis project with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) in 2021.

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Data visualization thumbnail

Disaggregating US Job Postings

For this analysis, TIP focuses on national job postings activity from March 2022 to March 2023. Users can examine the top 15 in-demand positions in the US by occupation, job title, employer, and location.

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Adding Depth to Rankings

TIP’s data analytics team has developed a tool to make state rankings more useful by adding a simple dispersion factor to the visualization.

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Tracking Air Freight

Data from the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) can be used to map air freight trends. This is an example of air freight traffic passing through Anchorage, Alaska.

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Comparing Housing Costs

An index developed by Texas A&M University’s Real Estate Center can be applied to housing markets across the US. This is an example using selected US metropolitan markets.

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