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Invest in Job Quality
Aligning job quality and access with viable career pathways
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Sustainability = Opportunity
Integrating sustainability and economic development priorities
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DEI Matters
Using connected leadership to support diversity, equity, and inclusion
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The TIP Advantage

TIP Strategies has worked for over 25 years to develop innovative strategies, programs, and outreach campaigns. Our Theory Into Practice planning model combines rigorous data analysis with the latest thinking in economic development, workforce training, and community-based principles. We pride ourselves on our ability to think creatively, and we customize each engagement, from initial outreach to final implementation.

Our Mission

To engage and inspire community leaders to help the people they serve thrive economically, financially, and socially.











For more than 25 years, TIP has helped our clients gain the insights and tools to support sound decision-making and create healthy, vibrant economies.


TIP’s talent practice helps communities build the skilled labor pool essential to economic growth and prosperity, while creating economic opportunity for residents.


We have a long history of helping clients build the agile organizations and flexible systems required to handle disruptions and support vulnerable populations.


Our team’s decades of experience, proven planning model, and suite of analytical tools can be tailored to help our clients address challenges and leverage opportunities.


Measuring Job Quality and Access

Connecting workers to job opportunities and long-term career paths is a critical component of sustainable economic growth that is often hampered by a lack of information sharing and coordination among organizations. TIP’s proprietary Job Quality and Access tool, developed in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, provides multi-dimensional…
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Female Engineer

Supporting Shorter, More Affordable Pathways to Quality Jobs

Students often feel pressured to pursue four-year degrees despite skyrocketing education costs. However, the value of affordable, shorter educational pathways, such as associate’s degrees and technical certificates, is increasingly evident. Institutions like Texas State Technical College and San Jacinto College demonstrate the benefits of skill-specific training, supported by philanthropic and…
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Geography of Jobs Visualization Map

Geography Of Jobs

Tight labor markets motivate employers. Slack labor markets concern workforce development agencies and policymakers. Regardless of where we are in the business cycle, talent development is always a concern. TIP has a long track record and depth of expertise in successful workforce planning, particularly in the alignment of goals across multiple stakeholders.

Theory Into Practice Newsletter

TIP strives to provide our subscribers with engaging, inspiring content related to TIP’s work and the topics affecting economic development professionals now and in the future.


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