The TIP Advantage
TIP Strategies has worked for over 25 years to develop innovative strategies, programs, and outreach campaigns. Our Theory Into Practice planning model combines rigorous data analysis with the latest thinking in economic development, workforce training, and community-based principles. We pride ourselves on our ability to think creatively, and we customize each engagement, from initial outreach to final implementation.
Our Mission
To engage and inspire community leaders to help the people they serve thrive economically, financially, and socially.
Measuring Job Quality and Access
Supporting Shorter, More Affordable Pathways to Quality Jobs
2024 NAWDP Annual Conference: Takeaways & Trends
Geography Of Jobs
Tight labor markets motivate employers. Slack labor markets concern workforce development agencies and policymakers. Regardless of where we are in the business cycle, talent development is always a concern. TIP has a long track record and depth of expertise in successful workforce planning, particularly in the alignment of goals across multiple stakeholders.