
Cluster & targeting analysis

Placemaking for Innovation

While it is often overlooked, placemaking has emerged as an essential factor in building successful innovation ecosystems. Erica Colston’s latest post explores two innovation hubs—North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park and Pegasus Park in Dallas, Texas—to illustrate how placemaking strategies have adapted to succeed in today’s innovation environment.

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Scientist holding lab grown grass

Transforming Cluster Strategies: The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership

Cluster strategies are top of mind as a way to strengthen the competitive advantages of a region. An examination of the business-led approach used by the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) for more than two decades reveals the keys to CICP’s success. A holistic and collaborative approach to ecosystem building can lay the foundation for sustainable long-term economic growth.

Transforming Cluster Strategies: The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership Read More

From Defense-Industrial Complex to Defense-Technology Complex: The US Army Makes its Move

Recognizing the need to more rapidly modernize its forces, the US Army established the Army Futures Command (AFC) in July 2018. AFC represents the most significant reorganization within the Army in almost 50 years. The Army knew that in order to maintain military superiority, it had to transform the way it develops and adopts new technology.

From Defense-Industrial Complex to Defense-Technology Complex: The US Army Makes its Move Read More

Three Defense Sector Trends to Watch in 2018

The major theme for the US defense sector in 2018 continues to be uncertainty. Congress remains under immense pressure to raise defense spending due to ongoing military operations, decreased readiness, and aging weapons systems. However, addressing these challenges will require Congress to pass a budget that removes the spending caps mandated by Budget Control Act of 2011, which Washington currently seems unable to accomplish.

Three Defense Sector Trends to Watch in 2018 Read More

East Kern County, California: Economic Diversification Plan

To help capitalize on its unique advantages, Kern County engaged TIP to lead the preparation of an economic diversification plan for East Kern County. Over the course of a 12-month planning process, TIP worked with Kern County and key partner organizations including the Kern Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the East Kern Economic Alliance (EKEA) to create a bold and comprehensive set of strategies to accelerate economic development in East Kern.

East Kern County, California: Economic Diversification Plan Read More

Washington State: Planning for the Defense Sector’s Future

In 2015, TIP Strategies was selected by the Washington Department of Commerce as the lead contractor for multiple phases of the state’s $4.3 million US Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) grant. The statewide strategy and sustainability plan will provide a comprehensive blueprint for military and defense contractors and related support organizations to anticipate and mitigate potential losses through effective planning and strategic decision-making.

Washington State: Planning for the Defense Sector's Future Read More

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