
Occupation & skills analysis

Measuring Job Quality and Access

Connecting workers to job opportunities and long-term career paths is a critical component of sustainable economic growth that is often hampered by a lack of information sharing and coordination among organizations. TIP’s proprietary Job Quality and Access tool, developed in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, provides multi-dimensional data that helps identify higher quality and more accessible jobs across geographies.

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Electrician apprenticeship at a college with a female instructor

Triptychs: Registered Apprenticeships Help Prepare Texas’s Next Generation of Workers

Texas has more than 650 registered apprenticeship programs in a wide range of industries including construction, manufacturing, health care, information technology, energy, transportation, and education. As part of our Triptychs series, we feature three registered apprenticeship programs in the state that have had success preparing the next generation of workers.

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Three Workforce Trends to Watch in 2018

Over the past decade concepts like full employment, the skills gap, and the gray tsunami have become pressing concerns in the economic development arena. Technological disruptions continue to cast a shadow on the future of jobs. In the face of these challenges, here are three trends that are worth paying attention to over the short term.

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TIP Clients Creating Paths to Prosperity

The recent Politico article, “A Real Path to Shared Prosperity in America,” addresses a topic that has been a central concern for many of our clients. The article highlights findings from a conference of thought leaders held this summer at Harvard Business School to explore the critical question: How can our nation continue to grow while also providing a path to prosperity for more Americans?

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