Metropolitan Area

Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge “Imagine Lubbock Together” was a visioning process coordinated by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce to define the values and goals of the community. A central theme that emerged from this process was the need to design an ambitious plan to diversify and grow the Lubbock economy, which had traditionally

Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority – Regional Development Plan

Challenge During the preparation of the Vision 2020 plan in 2010, leaders in the 11-county Northeast Indiana region highlighted a critical drop in per capita personal income over a 15-year period as several major employers downsized or ceased operations. Concerns about the region’s economic decline were amplified by stagnating population

Columbus Partnership (OH) – Alignment of Regional Economic Development Efforts

Challenge The Columbus Partnership (Partnership) is a CEO group comprised of 80 leaders from the region’s largest companies and institutions. The organization is charged with aligning business leadership behind the vision of Columbus, Ohio, becoming the most prosperous metropolitan area in the country in terms of both economic and social

Greenville Area Development Corporation (SC) – Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Located in South Carolina’s Upstate region, Greenville County is home to one of the nation’s most vibrant economies. Its long track record of attracting large-scale domestic and international investment has garnered media attention, including the front page of the Wall Street Journal and a segment on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

Eureka Holdings – Advisory Services

Challenge Historically, east Austin has not received a proportionate share of revenue or investment. When investment has occurred in this part of the city, the benefits have often excluded current residents or resulted in displacement. As growth pressures continued to affect major east Austin corridors, forward-looking investors sought strategies for

Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (AZ) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Phoenix has long been a key Southwest business and logistics hub. Its strength in aerospace, the high-tech industry, and financial services command national and international attention. The Phoenix region’s higher education institutions, led by Arizona State University, were significant players in the revitalization of downtown Phoenix and surrounding communities.

Development Corporation of Abilene (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Abilene prides itself on being a city of “firsts”: the first Texas city to create a sales-tax funded economic development effort in 1989, the first to create a downtown reinvestment zone, and the first community outside the state’s major metropolitan areas to receive a cultural district designation from the

Midland Development Corporation (TX) – Priority Midland Community Visioning

Challenge Midland’s economy was thriving during the latter half of the last decade due to an ongoing energy-led expansion. Fueled by this expansion, the city added residents at a pace faster than almost any other city in the nation and greatly increased employment opportunities. This rapid growth, however, challenged city

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