Metropolitan Area

Borderplex Alliance (TX) – Skills Gap Assessments (multiple engagements)

Challenge Employers in the El Paso area encountered difficulty finding talent to fill mission-critical positions in several of the region’s leading industries. As part of a business-led effort dedicated to driving economic growth, the Borderplex Alliance—in partnership with Workforce Solutions Borderplex, the Medical Center of the Americas Foundation, JP Morgan […]

Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce (WI) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge In 2018, the city of Wausau had stagnant population growth due to outmigration of residents moving to bigger, high-growth cities as a consequence of a national economy with record low unemployment. The area’s agriculture and food processing industry faced major headwinds due to global competition, automation, and labor shortages.

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (IL) – Inclusive Growth Analysis and Data Tool

Challenge Charged with linking transportation and land use planning in a 7-county region of northeastern Illinois, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners have a strong history of collaboration. Long-range planning efforts such as ON TO 2050, the region’s current comprehensive plan that identified economically disconnected and

Greater Spokane, Inc. (WA) – Thrive Spokane: A Regional Strategy for Growth and Equity

Challenge Greater Spokane has grown into the second largest metro area in the state of Washington and a significant economic driver for the Inland Northwest. The region is home to dynamic industries ranging from aerospace and life sciences to advanced manufacturing and agriculture, a full spectrum of higher education institutions,

The Right Place, Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI) – Strategic Organization Action Plan

Challenge The Right Place, Inc. (RPI) is an award-winning economic development organization serving the West Michigan region that includes Grand Rapids. The region is in an enviable economic position. The area has consistently led the state in population growth and the city of Grand Rapids was named one of the

Greater Houston Partnership (TX) – Regional Workforce Development Task Force

Challenge Led by a resurgence in energy and petrochemicals, the greater Houston region experienced an extended period of unprecedented growth. With almost $20 billion in investment in new plants and facilities announced along the Gulf Coast, the region was in an enviable position. Employers, however, were concerned that the region

Reignite Northern Colorado – Economic Recovery Strategy

Challenge The Northern Colorado region of Larimer and Weld Counties benefits from years of collaboration among chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, and local governments. In 2019, the two county governments, along with selected towns and municipalities executed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on economic development activities that promote

Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority – Regional Development Plan

Challenge During the preparation of the Vision 2020 plan in 2010, leaders in the 11-county Northeast Indiana region highlighted a critical drop in per capita personal income over a 15-year period as several major employers downsized or ceased operations. Concerns about the region’s economic decline were amplified by stagnating population

Greenville Area Development Corporation (SC) – Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Located in South Carolina’s Upstate region, Greenville County is home to one of the nation’s most vibrant economies. Its long track record of attracting large-scale domestic and international investment has garnered media attention, including the front page of the Wall Street Journal and a segment on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

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