Talent development & attraction

Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, MO – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The first decade of the 2000s saw Jefferson City falling behind regional and national competitors. From a traditional economic development standpoint, Jefferson City’s challenges were well-known: distance from the interstate and major metropolitan areas; lack of large, fully serviced business sites; a limited industrial base; and slow population and […]

Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (AZ) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Phoenix has long been a key Southwest business and logistics hub. Its strength in aerospace, the high-tech industry, and financial services command national and international attention. The Phoenix region’s higher education institutions, led by Arizona State University, were significant players in the revitalization of downtown Phoenix and surrounding communities.

Development Corporation of Abilene (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Abilene prides itself on being a city of “firsts”: the first Texas city to create a sales-tax funded economic development effort in 1989, the first to create a downtown reinvestment zone, and the first community outside the state’s major metropolitan areas to receive a cultural district designation from the

City of Clearwater, FL – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Clearwater faced two formative demographic trends: an aging population and above-average share of low-income households. Compounding these trends is the City’s over-reliance on residential real estate taxes, with housing accounting for approximately two-thirds of its property tax base. In addition, Clearwater lacks available greenfield development sites

City of Alvin, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Alvin, Texas, is strategically located halfway between Houston, the core city of the nation’s fastest-growing large metro area, and Freeport, the nation’s largest petrochemical complex. The city’s location also offers easy access to the region’s four major ports; proximity to Houston Hobby International Airport; and access to Alvin Community

Calhoun County Chamber (AL) – Workforce Retention & Economic Strategy

Challenge Located in Anniston, Alabama, the Anniston Army Depot (the Depot) is one of a small number of US Army installations charged with neutralizing or destroying the country’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but this process was set to end in 2011. In addition to the anticipated job losses from the conclusion

South Carolina I-77 Alliance – Regional Workforce Study and County Profiles

Challenge Stretching along Interstate 77 (I-77) from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Columbia, South Carolina, the South Carolina I-77 Alliance region consistently outpaced the US during the first part of the decade. Led by employment gains in manufacturing, healthcare, and professional services, the region added nearly 30,000 jobs between 2011 and

SOREDI (Southern Oregon) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Through their location in Southern Oregon, Jackson and Josephine Counties have a number of strategic advantages. The area’s natural beauty and unique cultural amenities make it a draw for tourists and outdoor enthusiasts. The region is home to a wide array of industries, including many niche and artisanal businesses.

Workforce Solutions of Central Texas – Economic Revitalization Strategy

Challenge The idling of Alcoa’s aluminum production facility in Rockdale, Texas—announced at the height of the Great Recession—would ultimately put more than 1,200 employees out of work and shutter nearly two dozen local businesses that were reliant on the plant or its employees. The crisis brought together representatives from the

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