Diversity, equity, & inclusion

Harris County, TX – Department of Economic Equity and Opportunity

Challenge As the central county of one of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas (Houston, Texas), Harris County provides an extensive array of services to a population the size of which rivals many states. Despite its numerous responsibilities, broad network, and substantial budget, the County lacked a clear role in economic […]

International Economic Development Council (IEDC) – Board Retreat Facilitation (Virtual)

Challenge With more than 5,000 members, the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is the largest membership organization of its kind. IEDC represents economic development professionals across a range of communities, organizational settings, and practice areas as they work to promote economic well-being and quality of life. Faced with the impending

Reignite Northern Colorado – Economic Recovery Strategy

Challenge The Northern Colorado region of Larimer and Weld Counties benefits from years of collaboration among chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, and local governments. In 2019, the two county governments, along with selected towns and municipalities executed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on economic development activities that promote

Delaware Business Roundtable – Delaware Investment Agenda

Challenge The 2016 Delaware Growth Agenda outlined a transformative strategy for reinvigorating The First State’s economic trajectory and implementing a reset of its economic development approach, most notably through the establishment of the Delaware Prosperity Partnership. In the years since the Growth Agenda’s release, Delaware has experienced significant economic growth—on

Richland County Economic Development Office (SC) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Home to Columbia, South Carolina’s state capital, Richland County boasts an impressive array of assets, including postsecondary institutions, transportation infrastructure, and the US Army’s Fort Jackson. Richland County also offers unique neighborhoods; historical landmarks and homes; a thriving riverfront; cultural, arts, and entertainment offerings; and outdoor recreation. This attractive

Workforce Solutions Capital Area (Austin, TX) – Master Community Workforce Plan

Challenge The Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area has experienced unprecedented economic growth and prosperity for decades. However, much of the region’s population has not shared in that prosperity. The area has rapidly become less affordable for residents—including those with jobs—as housing costs have continued to outpace wage growth. At the same

City of Fort Collins, CO – Inclusive Recovery Framework

Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic upheaval exacerbated existing inequities in Fort Collins’ economy that persisted through the early stages of recovery. In advance of receiving funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), local leaders realized they needed a way to evaluate potential projects and initiatives to ensure

Detroit Workforce Funders Collaborative (MI) – Philanthropic Collaboration for a Racially Equitable Workforce System

Challenge Long-standing efforts to create a more equitable workforce development system in Detroit and Southeast Michigan shifted drastically as national discussions about social justice and racial equity issues intensified in the Trump era. The shift brought increased leadership, capacity, and support from the public and private sectors for transforming the

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