Diversity, equity, & inclusion

Grundy County Economic Development Council (IL) – Advancing Grundy: Grundy County Economic Diversification and Resiliency Plan

Challenge Situated in northern Illinois, Grundy County’s rural charm, robust transportation network, and proximity to Chicago have spurred industrial development and attracted individuals and families seeking less densely populated areas. However, steady population gains and continued industrial expansion have highlighted the need to better balance growth with preservation of the […]

Greater Baltimore Committee (MD) – 10-Year Economic Opportunity Plan

Challenge The Baltimore Region has seen steady growth and development over the past 20 years, the result of both broad economic forces and localized strategies that leverage its strong foundation of assets including its strategic East Coast location, relative affordability, active waterfront, and diverse talent pool. The region is also

City of Arlington, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan (Update)

Challenge Arlington’s growth over the past three decades has been remarkable. With a population of 400,000, the city has affirmed its position as the pivot point in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area. Home to the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA, which was designated a Texas Tier One research institution

Pinellas County, FL – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Located in the Tampa Bay region, Pinellas County, Florida, is home to beautiful beaches, vibrant communities, excellent colleges and universities, and diverse and forward-looking companies, assets that have served it well through tumultuous times. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the county has been effective in working with

City of San Luis Obispo, CA – Economic Development Strategic Plan Update

Challenge Located on the Central Coast of California, the City of San Luis Obispo (City) functions as one of the region’s economic centers. It boasts a blend of industries, a strong visitor economy, a vibrant downtown, proximity to outdoor recreation amenities, and the presence of California Polytechnic State University and

Travis County, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Renowned for its quality of life and creative industries, the Austin metropolitan area consistently lands on national “best of” lists and has become a magnet for both talent and companies. While the resulting economic boom has improved several prosperity measures for Travis County residents—resulting in declining poverty rates, rising

International Economic Development Council (IEDC) – Equity Playbook Cohort Facilitation

Challenge Community development financial institutions (CDFIs) play a key role in expanding access to financial products and services in low-income and moderate-income communities. A range of institutions can be designated as CDFIs including banks, credit unions, loan funds, and venture capital funds. An August 2023 analysis by the Federal Reserve

Greater Green Bay Chamber (WI) – Economic Development Strategic Plan Update

Challenge Since adopting its current economic development strategic plan in May 2017, the Greater Green Bay Chamber had made great strides in addressing the challenges the plan set out. Created with assistance from TIP Strategies, the 2017 plan was organized around an ambitious set of 11 initiatives designed to support

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