Data analytics & visualizations

Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce (WI) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge In 2018, the city of Wausau had stagnant population growth due to outmigration of residents moving to bigger, high-growth cities as a consequence of a national economy with record low unemployment. The area’s agriculture and food processing industry faced major headwinds due to global competition, automation, and labor shortages.

Lake County Partners (IL) – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Lake County, Illinois, is a picturesque region along the shores of Lake Michigan. It is one of the largest counties in the Chicago metropolitan area, with over 714,000 residents as of the 2020 US Census. Proximity to downtown Chicago and O’Hare International Airport, combined with distinctive communities and easy

City of Waco, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Located in the heart of Texas, Waco has the building blocks required for long-term success. Advantages fueling the city’s growing population and recent economic development wins include relatively inexpensive land (with available sites along the bustling IH-35 corridor), access to multiple higher education institutions (a network encompassing Baylor University

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (IL) – Inclusive Growth Analysis and Data Tool

Challenge Charged with linking transportation and land use planning in a 7-county region of northeastern Illinois, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners have a strong history of collaboration. Long-range planning efforts such as ON TO 2050, the region’s current comprehensive plan that identified economically disconnected and

Fort Campbell Region (KY/TN) – Fort Campbell Strong Economic Growth Plan

Challenge The inactivation of the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade coupled with additional reductions in Army personnel dropped the active duty population at Fort Campbell to 26,500 in FY2015, down from a high of 31,092 just two years earlier. These personnel actions had a significant impact on the regional economy (defined

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