Benchmarking & best practices

Kirkland Economic Partnership (WA) – Pathway to Kirkland’s Economic Future

Challenge Located at the center of the Seattle metropolitan area, Kirkland benefited from the region’s large population base and its national reputation. Its coveted location allowed Kirkland to integrate a variety of employment opportunities with a livable and vibrant community. Despite these advantages, Kirkland was not immune to threats. The […]

City of Fort Collins, CO – Inclusive Recovery Framework

Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic upheaval exacerbated existing inequities in Fort Collins’ economy that persisted through the early stages of recovery. In advance of receiving funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), local leaders realized they needed a way to evaluate potential projects and initiatives to ensure

Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas – Economic Assessment and Strategy

Challenge The nine-county region served by Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas lies in a largely rural corner of the state that enjoys many substantial economic development advantages. These include proximity to Dallas/Fort Worth, access to Interstate 30, and pro-business climate with a diverse and strong foundation of major industrial employers. However,

Detroit Workforce Funders Collaborative (MI) – Philanthropic Collaboration for a Racially Equitable Workforce System

Challenge Long-standing efforts to create a more equitable workforce development system in Detroit and Southeast Michigan shifted drastically as national discussions about social justice and racial equity issues intensified in the Trump era. The shift brought increased leadership, capacity, and support from the public and private sectors for transforming the

Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas – Assessment of Rural Entrepreneurship

Challenge In the mid-2000s, the Northeast Texas region and neighboring counties in Southwest Arkansas faced significant job losses associated with the realignment of the Red River Army Depot and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant. In addition, the region experienced layoffs in the manufacturing and retail sectors. Key studies completed during

Together North Jersey – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Together North Jersey (TNJ) was created in 2011 to help develop a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD) for the 13 counties of the North Jersey region: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren. While it was among the nation’s most vital

Maury County Alliance (TN) – Talent Report Card

Challenge Maury County, Tennessee, enjoyed a relatively young housing stock, low rates of violent crime, and a healthy share of residents ages 20 to 39. These attributes, along with its location in the orbit of the Nashville metropolitan area, should have made Maury County a contender for talent attraction and

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