Business & Trade Groups

Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (AZ) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Phoenix has long been a key Southwest business and logistics hub. Its strength in aerospace, the high-tech industry, and financial services command national and international attention. The Phoenix region’s higher education institutions, led by Arizona State University, were significant players in the revitalization of downtown Phoenix and surrounding communities. […]

Development Corporation of Abilene (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Abilene prides itself on being a city of “firsts”: the first Texas city to create a sales-tax funded economic development effort in 1989, the first to create a downtown reinvestment zone, and the first community outside the state’s major metropolitan areas to receive a cultural district designation from the

Calhoun County Chamber (AL) – Workforce Retention & Economic Strategy

Challenge Located in Anniston, Alabama, the Anniston Army Depot (the Depot) is one of a small number of US Army installations charged with neutralizing or destroying the country’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but this process was set to end in 2011. In addition to the anticipated job losses from the conclusion

Midland Development Corporation (TX) – Priority Midland Community Visioning

Challenge Midland’s economy was thriving during the latter half of the last decade due to an ongoing energy-led expansion. Fueled by this expansion, the city added residents at a pace faster than almost any other city in the nation and greatly increased employment opportunities. This rapid growth, however, challenged city

Milwaukee Technology Council (WI) – Tech Talent Impact Study

Challenge The Milwaukee region has a strong base of technology talent with almost 76,000 tech workers that support 140 industries and generate more than $27 billion for the regional economy. However, the region’s technology talent cluster has not grown as rapidly as peer regions’ and has struggled to be competitive

Tampa Bay Partnership (FL) – Employer-led Regional Workforce Initiative

Challenge Recognizing that talent is a key driver of regional competitiveness, the Tampa Bay Partnership assessed talent indicators for the region and measured these against 19 peer communities. This exercise revealed that the Tampa Bay talent pool lagged its peers, particularly in metrics related to the regional talent pipeline. In

Kirkland Economic Partnership (WA) – Pathway to Kirkland’s Economic Future

Challenge Located at the center of the Seattle metropolitan area, Kirkland benefited from the region’s large population base and its national reputation. Its coveted location allowed Kirkland to integrate a variety of employment opportunities with a livable and vibrant community. Despite these advantages, Kirkland was not immune to threats. The

Maury County Alliance (TN) – Talent Report Card

Challenge Maury County, Tennessee, enjoyed a relatively young housing stock, low rates of violent crime, and a healthy share of residents ages 20 to 39. These attributes, along with its location in the orbit of the Nashville metropolitan area, should have made Maury County a contender for talent attraction and

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