Organizational development

City of Irving, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Irving, Texas, operates in a highly competitive environment. Despite its many advantages—ranging from its transportation network to available workforce to prime sites—the city is in a constant battle for projects within the fast-growing Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Irving occupies an enviable position in the region but […]

Delaware Prosperity Partnership – Strategic Operations Plan

Challenge In late 2015, TIP Strategies was commissioned by the Delaware Business Roundtable to prepare a statewide strategy for economic growth and prosperity. The Roundtable engaged state, business, and community leaders in creating an agenda focused on increased capital investment and statewide job creation. Establishing a new public-private partnership (P3)

Workforce Solutions Capital Area (Austin, TX) – Master Community Workforce Plan

Challenge The Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area has experienced unprecedented economic growth and prosperity for decades. However, much of the region’s population has not shared in that prosperity. The area has rapidly become less affordable for residents—including those with jobs—as housing costs have continued to outpace wage growth. At the same

Greater Sacramento Economic Council (CA) – Board Facilitation

Challenge Like communities across the country, Greater Sacramento experienced unprecedented upheavals and accelerated trends brought on by COVID-19. Unemployment hit its highest level in nearly a century just as the capital region began to see economic development efforts pay off. Local leaders realized that traditional business development and marketing tactics

Kirkland Economic Partnership (WA) – Pathway to Kirkland’s Economic Future

Challenge Located at the center of the Seattle metropolitan area, Kirkland benefited from the region’s large population base and its national reputation. Its coveted location allowed Kirkland to integrate a variety of employment opportunities with a livable and vibrant community. Despite these advantages, Kirkland was not immune to threats. The

Detroit Workforce Funders Collaborative (MI) – Philanthropic Collaboration for a Racially Equitable Workforce System

Challenge Long-standing efforts to create a more equitable workforce development system in Detroit and Southeast Michigan shifted drastically as national discussions about social justice and racial equity issues intensified in the Trump era. The shift brought increased leadership, capacity, and support from the public and private sectors for transforming the

Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas – Assessment of Rural Entrepreneurship

Challenge In the mid-2000s, the Northeast Texas region and neighboring counties in Southwest Arkansas faced significant job losses associated with the realignment of the Red River Army Depot and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant. In addition, the region experienced layoffs in the manufacturing and retail sectors. Key studies completed during

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