
Talent development & attraction

Field Notes: Investing in Disconnected Young People

Disconnected young people, often referred to as opportunity youth, are the future of our economies and our workforce. We spoke to Anna Crockett, Community Development Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, to better understand the challenges facing opportunity youth, their importance to our communities, and potential investment strategies for community leaders.

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2019 IEDC Leadership Summit: Thoughts and Context

This January, the International Economic Development Council held their 2019 Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event, aimed at the most senior members of the profession, sets out a broad economic development agenda for the coming year. In this article, Jon Roberts highlights the issues likely to concern economic development organizations throughout 2019.

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Washington State: Planning for the Defense Sector’s Future

In 2015, TIP Strategies was selected by the Washington Department of Commerce as the lead contractor for multiple phases of the state’s $4.3 million US Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) grant. The statewide strategy and sustainability plan will provide a comprehensive blueprint for military and defense contractors and related support organizations to anticipate and mitigate potential losses through effective planning and strategic decision-making.

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TIP Clients Creating Paths to Prosperity

The recent Politico article, “A Real Path to Shared Prosperity in America,” addresses a topic that has been a central concern for many of our clients. The article highlights findings from a conference of thought leaders held this summer at Harvard Business School to explore the critical question: How can our nation continue to grow while also providing a path to prosperity for more Americans?

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