Strategic Plan/Update

City of Waco, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Located in the heart of Texas, Waco has the building blocks required for long-term success. Advantages fueling the city’s growing population and recent economic development wins include relatively inexpensive land (with available sites along the bustling IH-35 corridor), access to multiple higher education institutions (a network encompassing Baylor University […]

Greater Baltimore Committee (MD) – 10-Year Economic Opportunity Plan

Challenge The Baltimore Region has seen steady growth and development over the past 20 years, the result of both broad economic forces and localized strategies that leverage its strong foundation of assets including its strategic East Coast location, relative affordability, active waterfront, and diverse talent pool. The region is also

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (IL) – Inclusive Growth Analysis and Data Tool

Challenge Charged with linking transportation and land use planning in a 7-county region of northeastern Illinois, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners have a strong history of collaboration. Long-range planning efforts such as ON TO 2050, the region’s current comprehensive plan that identified economically disconnected and

Montgomery County, MD – Comprehensive Economic Strategic Plan

Challenge Montgomery County is one of the most prosperous and successful communities in the United States. It boasts numerous strengths, including world-class research institutions, globally recognizable brands, a highly educated and diverse populace, and attractive neighborhoods. And yet, Montgomery County (and the entire Washington DC region) faced a profoundly changed

Greater Spokane, Inc. (WA) – Thrive Spokane: A Regional Strategy for Growth and Equity

Challenge Greater Spokane has grown into the second largest metro area in the state of Washington and a significant economic driver for the Inland Northwest. The region is home to dynamic industries ranging from aerospace and life sciences to advanced manufacturing and agriculture, a full spectrum of higher education institutions,

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