Strategic Plan/Update

Delaware Business Roundtable – Delaware Growth Agenda

Challenge Five years after the official end of the Great Recession, Delaware continued to struggle with the lasting effects of the downturn. Faced with budget challenges; a restructuring of the state’s traditional industry clusters; and intense regional and national competition for jobs, investment, and talent, aggressive action was called for. […]

Christian County, MO/Cities of Nixa & Ozark – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Led by the Cities of Nixa and Ozark, Christian County grew almost 43 percent between 2000 and 2010, outpacing the rest of the region. Excellent education opportunities, good value housing, and high quality of life made North Christian County a destination for young families in the Springfield metropolitan area.

Blaine County, ID – Countywide Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Blaine County, Idaho, experienced a dramatic increase in the cost of land and housing in the years leading up to the 2007–2008 recession. Although the county’s rising costs were, in part, a reflection of the increase in speculative construction seen nationally at the time, conditions in the region were

Lewis County Economic Development Council (WA) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge In early 2016, the Lewis Economic Development Council (Lewis EDC) began the process of developing a strategic plan to guide the organization’s short, medium, and long-range economic development activities. Funded under the US Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative, the plan

Forsyth County, GA – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Situated in the scenic foothills of northern Georgia among miles of largely unspoiled Lake Lanier shoreline, Forsyth County’s rapid population growth, highly rated schools, and affluence has made it a prime location for investment within the fast-growing and dynamic Atlanta metro area. However, the county’s many assets and successes

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