Jon Roberts

Kenosha Area Business Alliance (WI) – Kenosha First: Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge After stagnating in the 1970s and 1980s, Kenosha County experienced strong population growth through the 1990s and 2000s. Strategically positioned along Interstate 94 within the Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor, the county was also successful in growing its base of employers. However, the region’s dependence on traditional manufacturing sectors proved to be […]

Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, MO – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The first decade of the 2000s saw Jefferson City falling behind regional and national competitors. From a traditional economic development standpoint, Jefferson City’s challenges were well-known: distance from the interstate and major metropolitan areas; lack of large, fully serviced business sites; a limited industrial base; and slow population and

Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (AZ) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Phoenix has long been a key Southwest business and logistics hub. Its strength in aerospace, the high-tech industry, and financial services command national and international attention. The Phoenix region’s higher education institutions, led by Arizona State University, were significant players in the revitalization of downtown Phoenix and surrounding communities.

City of Clearwater, FL – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Clearwater faced two formative demographic trends: an aging population and above-average share of low-income households. Compounding these trends is the City’s over-reliance on residential real estate taxes, with housing accounting for approximately two-thirds of its property tax base. In addition, Clearwater lacks available greenfield development sites

City of Irving, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Irving, Texas, operates in a highly competitive environment. Despite its many advantages—ranging from its transportation network to available workforce to prime sites—the city is in a constant battle for projects within the fast-growing Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Irving occupies an enviable position in the region but

City of Fort Worth, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan Progress Update

Challenge In December 2017, the City of Fort Worth and TIP Strategies completed an economic development strategic plan (EDSP) built around themes of competitiveness, creativity, and community vitality. The EDSP tied these priorities to four tangible and measurable outcomes over a five-year horizon: high-wage job growth, a more sustainable tax

Kirkland Economic Partnership (WA) – Pathway to Kirkland’s Economic Future

Challenge Located at the center of the Seattle metropolitan area, Kirkland benefited from the region’s large population base and its national reputation. Its coveted location allowed Kirkland to integrate a variety of employment opportunities with a livable and vibrant community. Despite these advantages, Kirkland was not immune to threats. The

City of San Marcos, TX – Downtown Master Plan

Challenge Downtown San Marcos has historically served many roles. As the county seat, people are drawn into downtown to conduct official business. It acts as a gateway to the hill country, routing travelers through downtown on Ranch Road 12. And it functions as an entertainment district for the city and

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