
East Kern County, California: Economic Diversification Plan

To help capitalize on its unique advantages, Kern County engaged TIP to lead the preparation of an economic diversification plan for East Kern County. Over the course of a 12-month planning process, TIP worked with Kern County and key partner organizations including the Kern Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the East Kern Economic Alliance (EKEA) to create a bold and comprehensive set of strategies to accelerate economic development in East Kern.

East Kern County, California: Economic Diversification Plan Read More

Delaware: A New Growth Agenda

Last fall, TIP was engaged by the Delaware Business Roundtable (DBRT), a group of more than 50 Delaware CEOs, to craft a strategic framework for pursuing a new long-term approach to economic development in the state. The final product, the Delaware Growth Agenda, was released by the DBRT in July.

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Washington State: Planning for the Defense Sector’s Future

In 2015, TIP Strategies was selected by the Washington Department of Commerce as the lead contractor for multiple phases of the state’s $4.3 million US Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) grant. The statewide strategy and sustainability plan will provide a comprehensive blueprint for military and defense contractors and related support organizations to anticipate and mitigate potential losses through effective planning and strategic decision-making.

Washington State: Planning for the Defense Sector's Future Read More

Downtown Shreveport, LA

North Louisiana Economic Partnership: Impressive First Year Results

In June 2014, the North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP) adopted its five-year strategic plan, developed with the assistance of TIP Strategies. TIP’s principal and CEO, Tom Stellman, recently attended NLEP’s Annual Meeting to provide an update on plan implementation and outcomes to the organization’s Board of Directors.

North Louisiana Economic Partnership: Impressive First Year Results Read More

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