
From Defense-Industrial Complex to Defense-Technology Complex: The US Army Makes its Move

Recognizing the need to more rapidly modernize its forces, the US Army established the Army Futures Command (AFC) in July 2018. AFC represents the most significant reorganization within the Army in almost 50 years. The Army knew that in order to maintain military superiority, it had to transform the way it develops and adopts new technology.

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TIP and National League of Cities Join Forces for Economic Development Pilot Program

TIP Strategies (TIP) is proud to collaborate with the National League of Cities (NLC) First Tier Suburbs Council on a unique new venture, the Economic Development Summit Pilot Program. The program provides a selected community the opportunity to partner with TIP and the First Tier Suburbs Council to hold a day-long economic development forum in their community.

TIP and National League of Cities Join Forces for Economic Development Pilot Program Read More

Geography of Recovery Map Shows Some Metros Still Struggling

TIP Strategies continues to track patterns of regional employment disparity in the US economy with our Geography of Recovery interactive map. As of November 2018, seasonally adjusted nonfarm employment in the US approached 150 million for the first time, a gain of more than 11 million jobs from the start of the Great Recession. The strong gains mask some bad news, however.

Geography of Recovery Map Shows Some Metros Still Struggling Read More

Three Workforce Trends to Watch in 2018

Over the past decade concepts like full employment, the skills gap, and the gray tsunami have become pressing concerns in the economic development arena. Technological disruptions continue to cast a shadow on the future of jobs. In the face of these challenges, here are three trends that are worth paying attention to over the short term.

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Three Defense Sector Trends to Watch in 2018

The major theme for the US defense sector in 2018 continues to be uncertainty. Congress remains under immense pressure to raise defense spending due to ongoing military operations, decreased readiness, and aging weapons systems. However, addressing these challenges will require Congress to pass a budget that removes the spending caps mandated by Budget Control Act of 2011, which Washington currently seems unable to accomplish.

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