
Triptychs: Driving Innovation and Sustainability in the Blue Economy

Projected to generate $3 trillion over the next decade, the global blue economy presents vast economic potential. Sustainable practices are crucial to ensuring the long-term health of the ocean ecosystems, coastal communities, and water-related sectors. This blog post explores three innovative North American regions that successfully balance resilience and economic growth.

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Anchorage Alaska in summer

Field Notes: Creating a Collaborative Framework for Implementation

Recognizing the resources required to holistically implement its new strategic plan, the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) has taken collaboration and coordination to heart. In addition to integrating the plan’s four pillars and related visualizations into their website, AEDC has created cross-sector working groups to move each pillar forward.

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Field Notes: Building Consensus in CEDS Planning

As the lead on Central Indiana’s comprehensive economic development strategy, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization started laying the groundwork early. By having one-on-one conversations with a broad cross-section of leaders, organizations, and elected officials, even before the planning process began, the IMPO was able to build consensus and weave the region’s core values throughout the plan.

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Downtown Charlotte NC

2023 CNU Conference: Takeaways & Trends

In early June, Jenn Todd-Goynes attended CNU31 in Charlotte, North Carolina. As a member of the Congress for New Urbanism, Jenn is passionate about the role of the built environment and about creating people-centered places. In her recent blog post, she discusses two themes from the conference that have broad implications for community and economic developers.

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An inclusive leader speaking with his employees in an office

Harnessing the Power of Connected Leadership for Inclusive Economic Development

Command-and-control leadership no longer works. In a rapidly changing world, economic development organizations face numerous obstacles to sustainable growth. TIP president Tracye McDaniel shares her insights about connected leadership—what it is and how it can be effectively harnessed by economic developers. Rooted in inclusivity, connected leadership can better position organizations and communities for resilience today and tomorrow.

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Developing an Economic Sustainability Plan

Communities rarely embark on sustainability planning efforts under the auspices of economic development initiatives, which is a missed opportunity to impact a community’s industries, environment, and economic resilience. In a recent ED Now article, Jenn Todd-Goynes outlines critical questions to guide the process for an economic sustainability plan. The article is reposted here courtesy of the International Economic Development Council.

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an arrow drawn through a chalk maze

Making the Way for Inclusive Economic Growth

TIP’s ongoing work with the International Economic Development Council as part of its Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative highlights the pivotal role economic developers can play in addressing economic inequality. Mishka Parkins’s post describes the Equity Action Plans created by the five organizations that participated in the initiative’s 2022 cohort.

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