
Delaware Prosperity Partnership – Strategic Operations Plan Update (2023-2028)

Challenge Since it was created by the General Assembly in 2017, the Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP) has established itself as a first-rate statewide economic development organization. The public-private partnership (P3) has generated an impressive return—helping to locate 56 projects totaling $1.52 billion in capital investment—and has built trust and credibility […]

Texas Higher Education Foundation – Tech Transfer and Commercialization Plan

Challenge In addition to producing the talent the economy relies on, innovation born out of Texas higher education institutions plays an essential role in the state’s global economic competitiveness. State leaders have made significant investments in this area, nearly tripling the number of top tier research universities in the past

Delaware Workforce System – Strategic Operating Framework & Employer Engagement

Challenge Fragmentation of services is a common challenge among state-level workforce development systems, often resulting in inconsistencies in service delivery and a lack of clarity in priorities and vision. Delaware’s publicly funded workforce system encompasses more than a dozen organizations including county- and state-level entities. While its three counties function

Oregon Talent Council – Statewide Talent Plan

Challenge With Oregon’s employment base growing faster than its labor force, the state’s talent shortage has become more acute. Rising vacancies and increases in the length of time required to fill positions cost Oregon employers billions each year (not to mention the subsequent loss of state revenues from income taxes).

Washington State Department of Commerce – Defense Industry Adjustment Grant

Challenge The importance of the military and defense sector to the state of Washington is clear; the sector provides tens of thousands of jobs and contributes billions of dollars to the state economy. What was not clear to state leaders is the extent to which Washington businesses are reliant on

MassDevelopment – Defense Industry Diversification Study & Strategic Blueprint

Challenge Federal spending on defense procurement had generally maintained a downward trajectory since 2008, the result of effects from the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the Great Recession. With the state of Massachusetts predicting impacts in excess of $20 billion dollars from further spending cuts anticipated to its defense

Texas Association of Business – Statewide Economic Development Plan

Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic upheaval had a negative impact on business supply chains, workers, and communities in Texas and around the globe. This upheaval exacerbated existing business challenges, particularly for small- and minority-owned businesses. Along with its challenges, the downturn presented opportunities to build on trends that

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