Region (or Multi-Jurisdiction)

Greater Baltimore Committee (MD) – 10-Year Economic Opportunity Plan

Challenge The Baltimore Region has seen steady growth and development over the past 20 years, the result of both broad economic forces and localized strategies that leverage its strong foundation of assets including its strategic East Coast location, relative affordability, active waterfront, and diverse talent pool. The region is also […]

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (IL) – Inclusive Growth Analysis and Data Tool

Challenge Charged with linking transportation and land use planning in a 7-county region of northeastern Illinois, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners have a strong history of collaboration. Long-range planning efforts such as ON TO 2050, the region’s current comprehensive plan that identified economically disconnected and

Fort Campbell Region (KY/TN) – Fort Campbell Strong Economic Growth Plan

Challenge The inactivation of the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade coupled with additional reductions in Army personnel dropped the active duty population at Fort Campbell to 26,500 in FY2015, down from a high of 31,092 just two years earlier. These personnel actions had a significant impact on the regional economy (defined

REACH (California Central Coast) – Resilience Roadmap

Challenge California’s Central Coast holds many advantages including a broad industry base, dynamic employers, diverse populations, and scenic landscapes. Its growing tech and innovation ecosystem is supported by two leading universities—California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UC Santa Barbara)—along with

Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area (Austin, TX) – Regional Workforce Strategy

Challenge In early 2020, Central Texas had enjoyed years of record-setting expansion and a labor market with historically low unemployment. However, even under these favorable conditions, worrisome trends loomed. The aging of the workforce and retirement exposure, the educational attainment of the working-age population, youth disconnection, and the digitalization of

Economic Development Districts of Idaho (EDDI) – EDDI Disaster Recovery Initiative

Challenge The sharp downturn in economic activity precipitated by the global COVID-19 pandemic brought the need for recovery and resiliency planning into sharp relief for communities, regions, and states in 2020. Faced with the immediate need of helping member communities deal with recovery planning from the current economic upheaval, and

Delta Regional Authority – Regional Development Plan and Update

Challenge The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) is a federal-state partnership serving a 252-county/parish area encompassing portions of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Led by a Federal Co-Chairman and the governors of each participating state, the DRA is charged with improving the standard of living for the

Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission (MI) – Marquette County Economic Recovery and Resilience Strategy

Challenge The Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan boasts remarkable assets. Despite its distance from major urban centers, its natural beauty, higher education institutions, and emerging technology assets stand out both within Michigan and nationally. Facilities such as the Innovate Marquette SmartZone, Sawyer International Airport, and Northern Michigan University’s indoor agriculture

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