Placemaking & revitalization

City of Fort Collins, CO – Economic Health Strategic Plan

Challenge Fort Collins enjoys an economic, social, and environmental vitality that is the envy of many communities its size. Its lively historic downtown area; impressive parks, trails, and open space networks; and array of employers, including Poudre Valley Health System, Hewlett Packard and Woodward-Governor; make the city an attractive place […]

Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) – Center Cities Economic Development Playbook

Challenge Center cities of many of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas are registering their highest levels of population growth in decades, with some leading job growth in their metro areas as well. This trend, labeled by some as “the Great Inversion,” represents a reversal of patterns that have dominated the

Oneida Nation of Wisconsin – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s last economic development plan was prepared in 1997. Two decades later, the US and global economies had endured the largest downturn in generations. And technological advances and other disruptive forces had transformed multiple industries, like manufacturing and agriculture, that were fundamental to northeast Wisconsin’s

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