Organizational development

Greenville Area Development Corporation (SC) – Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Located in South Carolina’s Upstate region, Greenville County is home to one of the nation’s most vibrant economies. Its long track record of attracting large-scale domestic and international investment has garnered media attention, including the front page of the Wall Street Journal and a segment on CBS’s 60 Minutes. […]

Richland County Economic Development Office (SC) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Home to Columbia, South Carolina’s state capital, Richland County boasts an impressive array of assets, including postsecondary institutions, transportation infrastructure, and the US Army’s Fort Jackson. Richland County also offers unique neighborhoods; historical landmarks and homes; a thriving riverfront; cultural, arts, and entertainment offerings; and outdoor recreation. This attractive

Kerr Economic Development Corporation (TX) – Board Retreat

Challenge Nestled in the Texas Hill County, Kerr County offers an attractive quality of life and the City of Kerrville’s downtown amenities, making it a favorite among retirees. However, the county’s relatively low levels of educational attainment, high median age, lack of inventory for industrial or office users, and distance

McCormick County, SC – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge McCormick County, South Carolina, is rich in both natural resources and history. Immense tracks of forested public land, over 1,000 miles of lake front property, and numerous historical sites provide the county significant economic opportunities. These resources, coupled with its proximity to a rapidly growing Augusta metropolitan area, positioned

Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, MO – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The first decade of the 2000s saw Jefferson City falling behind regional and national competitors. From a traditional economic development standpoint, Jefferson City’s challenges were well-known: distance from the interstate and major metropolitan areas; lack of large, fully serviced business sites; a limited industrial base; and slow population and

Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (AZ) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Phoenix has long been a key Southwest business and logistics hub. Its strength in aerospace, the high-tech industry, and financial services command national and international attention. The Phoenix region’s higher education institutions, led by Arizona State University, were significant players in the revitalization of downtown Phoenix and surrounding communities.

Claiborne County, MS – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Bordered by the Mississippi River to the west and Homochitto National Forest to the southeast, Claiborne County boasts abundant economic, natural, and cultural assets that include Alcorn State University, Port Gibson’s historic downtown, and Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. Despite these assets, Claiborne County was struggling to maintain its

Bee Development Authority (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Like many rural areas in the nation, Bee County, Texas, faces critical demographic challenges related to population growth and domestic migration. Population growth in the county over the last decade has remained flat, with a net gain of just 800 residents from 2006 to 2016. In addition, the county

Midland Development Corporation (TX) – Priority Midland Community Visioning

Challenge Midland’s economy was thriving during the latter half of the last decade due to an ongoing energy-led expansion. Fueled by this expansion, the city added residents at a pace faster than almost any other city in the nation and greatly increased employment opportunities. This rapid growth, however, challenged city

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