Engagement & outreach

Delaware Prosperity Partnership – Strategic Operations Plan

Challenge In late 2015, TIP Strategies was commissioned by the Delaware Business Roundtable to prepare a statewide strategy for economic growth and prosperity. The Roundtable engaged state, business, and community leaders in creating an agenda focused on increased capital investment and statewide job creation. Establishing a new public-private partnership (P3)

Workforce Solutions of Central Texas – Economic Revitalization Strategy

Challenge The idling of Alcoa’s aluminum production facility in Rockdale, Texas—announced at the height of the Great Recession—would ultimately put more than 1,200 employees out of work and shutter nearly two dozen local businesses that were reliant on the plant or its employees. The crisis brought together representatives from the

Workforce Solutions (Lower Rio Grande Valley, TX) – Multiple Engagements

Challenge Despite its largely positive economic climate, Texas’s Lower Rio Grande Valley has long faced daunting workforce development challenges. Nearly one-half of the region’s working-age population does not have a high school diploma and only 1 in 8 have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Employers face numerous additional challenges, including

Northwest Indiana Forum – Ignite The Region: Economic Transformation Strategy

Challenge Northwest Indiana’s economy has long been driven by its deep manufacturing base, proximity to Chicago and Lake Michigan, multimodal transportation infrastructure, and agricultural production and processing sectors. Natural amenities, well-regarded higher education and healthcare institutions, a skilled workforce, diverse communities, and a competitive business climate contributed to the region’s

City of Fort Worth, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan Progress Update

Challenge In December 2017, the City of Fort Worth and TIP Strategies completed an economic development strategic plan (EDSP) built around themes of competitiveness, creativity, and community vitality. The EDSP tied these priorities to four tangible and measurable outcomes over a five-year horizon: high-wage job growth, a more sustainable tax

Tampa Bay Partnership (FL) – Employer-led Regional Workforce Initiative

Challenge Recognizing that talent is a key driver of regional competitiveness, the Tampa Bay Partnership assessed talent indicators for the region and measured these against 19 peer communities. This exercise revealed that the Tampa Bay talent pool lagged its peers, particularly in metrics related to the regional talent pipeline. In

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