Katrina Parkey Fraser

City of San Antonio, TX – Economic Development Strategic Framework

Challenge One of a handful of US cities recognized around the world for its vivid history and cultural richness, San Antonio combines relatively affordable housing with a variety of amenities and entertainment options, an array of postsecondary institutions, and diverse career opportunities. Yet despite its many advantages, San Antonio’s track

Texas Higher Education Foundation – Tech Transfer and Commercialization Plan

Challenge In addition to producing the talent the economy relies on, innovation born out of Texas higher education institutions plays an essential role in the state’s global economic competitiveness. State leaders have made significant investments in this area, nearly tripling the number of top tier research universities in the past

Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development (VA) – Talent Pipeline Review

Challenge Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, employers across the country were experiencing severe labor market challenges, including low labor force participation rates and the aging out of the baby boom generation. With the onset of the pandemic, many of these challenges were accelerated. Workers across the country scrambled to figure

Smithville Workforce Training Center (TX) – Skilled Trades Pathways Report

Challenge While the population and demand for services in rural Central Texas have continued to grow post-pandemic, regional employers have struggled to hire, and rural workers have struggled to access the training and support needed to thrive. Seeking to address this deepening disconnect, Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area (WSRCA) applied

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