Alex Cooke

Chester County Economic Development Council (PA) – VISTA 2025: Economic Development Strategy

Challenge Chester County emerged from the Great Recession with unparalleled growth opportunities. These opportunities included a dynamic agriculture sector that dominates the entire Philadelphia region, one of the world’s leading financial companies, and a potentially game-changing internet startup. Recognizing the need to build on these assets and support the area’s […]

Kern County, CA – Economic Diversification Strategy for East Kern

Challenge East Kern County’s economy is driven primarily by two military installations (Naval Air Weapons Station-China Lake and Edwards Air Force Base), the Mojave Air and Space Port, and Rio Tinto Minerals. Spanning more than 8,000 square miles and encompassing a diverse group of communities—including incorporated cities (California City, Ridgecrest,

Fort Campbell Region (KY/TN) – Fort Campbell Strong Economic Growth Plan

Challenge The inactivation of the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade coupled with additional reductions in Army personnel dropped the active duty population at Fort Campbell to 26,500 in FY2015, down from a high of 31,092 just two years earlier. These personnel actions had a significant impact on the regional economy (defined

Montgomery County, MD – Comprehensive Economic Strategic Plan

Challenge Montgomery County is one of the most prosperous and successful communities in the United States. It boasts numerous strengths, including world-class research institutions, globally recognizable brands, a highly educated and diverse populace, and attractive neighborhoods. And yet, Montgomery County (and the entire Washington DC region) faced a profoundly changed

The Right Place, Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI) – Strategic Organization Action Plan

Challenge The Right Place, Inc. (RPI) is an award-winning economic development organization serving the West Michigan region that includes Grand Rapids. The region is in an enviable economic position. The area has consistently led the state in population growth and the city of Grand Rapids was named one of the

Washington State Department of Commerce – Defense Industry Adjustment Grant

Challenge The importance of the military and defense sector to the state of Washington is clear; the sector provides tens of thousands of jobs and contributes billions of dollars to the state economy. What was not clear to state leaders is the extent to which Washington businesses are reliant on

MassDevelopment – Defense Industry Diversification Study & Strategic Blueprint

Challenge Federal spending on defense procurement had generally maintained a downward trajectory since 2008, the result of effects from the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the Great Recession. With the state of Massachusetts predicting impacts in excess of $20 billion dollars from further spending cuts anticipated to its defense

Oakland County, MI – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Oakland County has been an economic leader in Michigan, often outpacing state and national averages in educational attainment, median household income, and labor force participation. Thanks in large part to its concentration of jobs in the professional services and healthcare sectors, the county managed to rebound from the job

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