Local Government

City of Clearwater, FL – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Clearwater faced two formative demographic trends: an aging population and above-average share of low-income households. Compounding these trends is the City’s over-reliance on residential real estate taxes, with housing accounting for approximately two-thirds of its property tax base. In addition, Clearwater lacks available greenfield development sites […]

City of Alvin, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Alvin, Texas, is strategically located halfway between Houston, the core city of the nation’s fastest-growing large metro area, and Freeport, the nation’s largest petrochemical complex. The city’s location also offers easy access to the region’s four major ports; proximity to Houston Hobby International Airport; and access to Alvin Community

Bee Development Authority (TX) – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Like many rural areas in the nation, Bee County, Texas, faces critical demographic challenges related to population growth and domestic migration. Population growth in the county over the last decade has remained flat, with a net gain of just 800 residents from 2006 to 2016. In addition, the county

City of Irving, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge The City of Irving, Texas, operates in a highly competitive environment. Despite its many advantages—ranging from its transportation network to available workforce to prime sites—the city is in a constant battle for projects within the fast-growing Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Irving occupies an enviable position in the region but

City of Corning, NY – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Upstate New York is uniquely challenged. The region’s plight is often masked by state-level economic and demographic statistics that are positively skewed by New York City and well-off suburbs. Despite these broader challenges, the City of Corning has remained an island of stability within the region’s longstanding economic decline.

City of Yoakum, TX – Business Recruitment & Marketing Strategy

Challenge Following significant job losses during the Great Recession, Yoakum, Texas, has experienced steady annual employment growth since the downturn’s official end in 2009. These gains reflect the continued diversification of the area economy, driven in large part by energy-related growth surrounding the Eagle Ford Shale. The city has also

City of Southlake, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Southlake boasts multiple competitive advantages. It is centrally located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, one of the fastest-growing regions in the United States, and is recognized as a visionary community with active, engaged citizens who are dedicated to high quality, excellence, and success. This reputation also extends to its

City of Fort Worth, TX – Economic Development Strategic Plan Progress Update

Challenge In December 2017, the City of Fort Worth and TIP Strategies completed an economic development strategic plan (EDSP) built around themes of competitiveness, creativity, and community vitality. The EDSP tied these priorities to four tangible and measurable outcomes over a five-year horizon: high-wage job growth, a more sustainable tax

Pearl River County, MS – Economic Development Strategic Plan

Challenge Pearl River County sits at the center of the Gulf Coast super-region that stretches from Baton Rouge and New Orleans to Northwest Florida and is home to more than 5 million residents. Along with its geographic advantages, the County’s assets include transportation infrastructure (Interstate 59, Picayune Municipal Airport, freight

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