

Scientist holding lab grown grass

Transforming Cluster Strategies: The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership

Cluster strategies are top of mind as a way to strengthen the competitive advantages of a region. An examination of the business-led approach used by the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) for more than two decades reveals the keys to CICP’s success. A holistic and collaborative approach to ecosystem building can lay the foundation for sustainable long-term economic growth.

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people in a planning meeting

What is a CEDS, and Why Does it Matter?

The comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) is a cornerstone of the US Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) grant program. TIP’s four-part series will dive into topics related to creating a successful CEDS, including EDA requirements, community engagement, equity, and resiliency. The first installment examines the CEDS as an important tool for helping communities prioritize economic development opportunities.

What is a CEDS, and Why Does it Matter? Read More

Planning in Turbulent Times

We are experiencing simultaneous crises in health, the economy, politics, climate change, and social justice—a combination few of us have experienced in our lifetimes. For some in our communities, survival is a daily challenge. And for others, recovery will be a long and difficult road. But it’s important for those of us in leadership positions to pause and think beyond recovery.

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Social Distancing store sign

Geography of Risk: COVID-19

As the COVID-19 crisis and its economic effects continue to unfold, it has become clear that communities need to understand the job-related exposure and financial instability their residents risk to more effectively direct resources and support. To help shed light on these issues, TIP created the Occupational Risk Tool, based on the characteristics of occupations across the US. The health risk and risk to earnings scores, assigned by TIP, form the basis for the Occupational Risk Tool. Learn more about TIP’s unique new tool, experience an interactive demo, and read about the lessons we’ve learned on our blog.

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Housing in the First Suburbs

In partnership with the National League of Cities and the Mid-America Regional Council, TIP Strategies facilitated a day-long summit on July 19, 2019. The focus of the summit was workforce housing in first tier suburbs of Kansas City. The summit brought together approximately 200 local leaders and stakeholders from the region to explore opportunities for building and maintaining workforce housing at a regional scale.

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To Deliver on Opportunity Zones’ Potential, Return to their Original Premise

Opportunity Zones (OZs) have been a hot topic for economic developers and investors across the country. As the largest federal economic development investment in over a decade, OZs originally excited economic developers because of their promise to deliver community benefits, but as the market has unfolded, OZs have instead been met with criticism. Shifting the narrative to focus on both economic growth and community inclusion is an important step to ensure that OZs deliver on their potential and promise to strengthen the country’s disadvantaged communities.

To Deliver on Opportunity Zones’ Potential, Return to their Original Premise Read More

From Defense-Industrial Complex to Defense-Technology Complex: The US Army Makes its Move

Recognizing the need to more rapidly modernize its forces, the US Army established the Army Futures Command (AFC) in July 2018. AFC represents the most significant reorganization within the Army in almost 50 years. The Army knew that in order to maintain military superiority, it had to transform the way it develops and adopts new technology.

From Defense-Industrial Complex to Defense-Technology Complex: The US Army Makes its Move Read More

TIP and National League of Cities Join Forces for Economic Development Pilot Program

TIP Strategies (TIP) is proud to collaborate with the National League of Cities (NLC) First Tier Suburbs Council on a unique new venture, the Economic Development Summit Pilot Program. The program provides a selected community the opportunity to partner with TIP and the First Tier Suburbs Council to hold a day-long economic development forum in their community.

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Three Workforce Trends to Watch in 2018

Over the past decade concepts like full employment, the skills gap, and the gray tsunami have become pressing concerns in the economic development arena. Technological disruptions continue to cast a shadow on the future of jobs. In the face of these challenges, here are three trends that are worth paying attention to over the short term.

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