
<a href=''>Jenn Todd-Goynes, CNU-A</a>

Implementation concept of a hand moving wooden cylinders through a flow chart.

Beyond the Blueprint: Real World Strategies for Implementation

Strategic planning is only the first step; successful implementation requires a clear vision, effective communication, and actionable steps. This blog post highlights how TIP has supported clients like the City of Dallas, Greater Fort Wayne Inc., and the Greater Baltimore Committee in moving from strategy to impact, offering insights on bridging planning with execution to drive meaningful results.

Beyond the Blueprint: Real World Strategies for Implementation Read More

Highline Park in NYC, a repurposed railroad bridge

Creating Place-Based Economic Impacts Through Adaptive Reuse

Rising office vacancy rates following the COVID-19 pandemic have renewed conversations about the role of adaptive reuse. Jenn Todd-Goynes highlights notable examples of communities that have brought together public and private interests to transform vacant sites and underutilized assets into quality places that generate positive impacts and provide preferred destinations for people, businesses, and visitors.

Creating Place-Based Economic Impacts Through Adaptive Reuse Read More

Downtown Charlotte NC

2023 CNU Conference: Takeaways & Trends

In early June, Jenn Todd-Goynes attended CNU31 in Charlotte, North Carolina. As a member of the Congress for New Urbanism, Jenn is passionate about the role of the built environment and about creating people-centered places. In her recent blog post, she discusses two themes from the conference that have broad implications for community and economic developers.

2023 CNU Conference: Takeaways & Trends Read More

Developing an Economic Sustainability Plan

Communities rarely embark on sustainability planning efforts under the auspices of economic development initiatives, which is a missed opportunity to impact a community’s industries, environment, and economic resilience. In a recent ED Now article, Jenn Todd-Goynes outlines critical questions to guide the process for an economic sustainability plan. The article is reposted here courtesy of the International Economic Development Council.

Developing an Economic Sustainability Plan Read More

Coordinating Economic Disaster Recovery in Idaho

Field Notes: Coordinating Economic Disaster Recovery in Idaho

The sharp downturn in economic activity precipitated by the global COVID-19 pandemic brought the need for recovery and resiliency planning into sharp relief for communities, regions, and states in 2020. The leaders of Idaho’s five economic development districts saw the need for immediate action and formed an innovative, strategic partnership to position their communities for a quicker recovery and long-term resiliency.

Field Notes: Coordinating Economic Disaster Recovery in Idaho Read More

Larimer County Acquires 1,000 Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Using TIP’s Occupational Risk Tool

As the global pandemic continues to affect communities around the world, recent access to the COVID-19 vaccine has provided a much-needed glimmer of hope for a return to normalcy. While the vaccine rollout overall has had its ups and downs, some communities have had great success administering doses to residents. One such community is Larimer County, Colorado.

Larimer County Acquires 1,000 Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Using TIP's Occupational Risk Tool Read More

Housing in the First Suburbs

In partnership with the National League of Cities and the Mid-America Regional Council, TIP Strategies facilitated a day-long summit on July 19, 2019. The focus of the summit was workforce housing in first tier suburbs of Kansas City. The summit brought together approximately 200 local leaders and stakeholders from the region to explore opportunities for building and maintaining workforce housing at a regional scale.

Housing in the First Suburbs Read More

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