
Delaware: A New Growth Agenda

Last fall, TIP was engaged by the Delaware Business Roundtable (DBRT), a group of more than 50 Delaware CEOs, to craft a strategic framework for pursuing a new long-term approach to economic development in the state. The work was commissioned as a private-sector response to concerns about Delaware’s economy as the state struggles to contend with the dramatic restructuring of traditional industry clusters, increased competition for jobs and investment, and the lasting effects of the Great Recession. The final product, the Delaware Growth Agenda, was released by the DBRT in July.

The Growth Agenda’s recommendations grew, in part, out of discussions with dozens of business leaders and citizens throughout Delaware. One of its key recommendations is to establish a new public-private partnership to lead the state’s economic development efforts. This initiative is seen as critical to reengaging the private sector more directly in economic development and reinvigorating the state’s program through expanded resources, expertise, and networks. Additionally, the growth agenda calls for building on and accelerating existing initiatives to create a world-class entrepreneurship ecosystem in Delaware.

Additional information about the Delaware Growth Agenda is available through the DBRT’s website. The Delaware Business Times also detailed our work with the DBRT. Click here to read their article, “Delaware Growth Agenda: State must pursue new long-term approach to economic development over next five years.”

Image credit: Downtown Wilmington, Delaware and the Christina River by Tim Kiser Via Wikimeda Commons (CC BY-SA 2.5)

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