
Austin Skyline via Fotolia.

Eureka Holdings – Advisory Services


Historically, east Austin has not received a proportionate share of revenue or investment. When investment has occurred in this part of the city, the benefits have often excluded current residents or resulted in displacement. As growth pressures continued to affect major east Austin corridors, forward-looking investors sought strategies for incremental development that were responsive to the cultural history, natural environment, and livability of the area for residents and visitors.


Eureka Holdings worked with TIP Strategies as part of a larger team of experts in urban planning, design, public affairs, and real estate to create a visionary framework for future development along a major corridor in the core of the city. The area was home to a mixture of empty lots, existing development, historic buildings, and open space. TIP’s role on the team was to provide strategic advice during the visioning and framework development process, provide feedback on development feasibility with regard to public perception and zoning requirements, engage in outreach and relationship building with stakeholders, and facilitate new community and business partnerships designed to further the goals of the project. The result was a bold framework for future development that was responsive to the community, addressing change at the individual site and corridor level.

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