Delaware Prosperity Partnership – Strategic Operations Plan Update (2023-2028)
Since it was created by the General Assembly in 2017, the Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP) has established itself as a first-rate statewide economic development organization. The public-private partnership (P3) has generated an impressive return—helping to locate 56 projects totaling $1.52 billion in capital investment—and has built trust and credibility with the business community and with its partners and investors. To build on this early success and catalyze continued high levels of investment, innovation, and job creation, the DPP will require a commitment of additional public and private resources.
In 2022, the DPP engaged TIP Strategies to update the inaugural strategic operations plan prepared in 2018 by TIP. The new plan, which sets the course for the organization over a five-year planning horizon (2023–2028), expands and restructures the original three goals to five. The updated strategy reflects an increased focus on three critical areas: communication (telling the Delaware story), workforce collaboration (ensuring the availability of a robust talent pipeline), and thought leadership (raising awareness of opportunities and challenges facing the state). Continuing to drive global investment through a robust business development program and to support the growth and maturation of the state’s innovation ecosystem remain pillars of the DPP’s program of work. The ambitious agenda outlined in the plan was arrived at based on insights gained from stakeholder input and a quantitative analysis of targeted economic trends. The economic analysis covered topics that influence Delaware’s overall economic competitiveness such as innovation; worker migration; housing; commercial and industrial real estate; and diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was provided to the DPP as an interactive data visualization to allow for in-depth exploration.