Idaho Department of Commerce – Statewide Rural Economic and Community Development Strategy
Idaho has become one of the fastest growing states in the nation, with a steady flow of workers moving to the Gem State from states like California, Washington, and Oregon. Rural Idaho has seen net population gains from this migration as well as from the movement of Idahoans from metropolitan areas to the state’s non-metro counties. Idaho’s economy encompasses a range of industries, from agriculture and technology to manufacturing and tourism, that provide a solid foundation for this growth. At the same time, the state faces challenges such as workforce shortages, infrastructure constraints, and rural economic disparities that must be addressed.
In early 2023, the Idaho Department of Commerce (Commerce) contracted with TIP to develop an economic rural impact strategy focused on opportunities for sector-based development, job growth, workforce development, entrepreneurship, and placemaking. While the plan’s emphasis on statewide rural community and economic development was unique, it was developed within the context of the statewide comprehensive economic development strategy, regional plans and initiatives led by the economic development districts, statewide strategic plans for infrastructure, the Idaho Rural Partnership strategic plan, and municipal strategic plans. Statewide engagement harnessed the expertise of a network of stakeholders across various sectors, including government agencies, economic and community development organizations, industry leaders, and educators. Through a series of virtual roundtables, working group sessions, and one-on-one meetings, these stakeholders shed light on important initiatives, challenges, and areas of opportunity. In addition to supporting collaboration among participants, these conversations laid the groundwork for implementation of the recommendations. Published in June 2024, Rural Impact: A Community and Economic Development Resiliency Strategy for the State of Idaho, was organized under four goals: targeted business development, creating quality and resilient places, developing a talent and people-driven economy, and prioritizing infrastructure investments. These goals were a direct response to the desired outcomes identified during the planning process. Four of these outcomes were focused on positioning rural areas for success by capturing opportunities in expanding sectors, building resilience, promoting job growth and talent development, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. A fifth desired outcome—identifying collaborative frameworks for enhancing and expanding Commerce’s impact in rural communities—was interwoven across the four goal areas.